练秋满 硕士
Trainee Licensed and Registered Counselor, KB, PA
萨提尔成长模式个人成长基要课程小组导师 / Group Tutor of ESSENTIALS of the Satir Growth Model for Personal Growth (Phase I – Basic Philosophy)
为教育机构的教师和学生家长提供培训课程 / Provide training programmes for teachers and students' parents in educational institutions.
曾任独中副校长 / former vice principal of independence school
现任国际学校中学老师 / Secondary teacher of international school
学术资格 / Academic Qualification:
马来西亚国民大学辅导教育硕士 / Master of Education (Guidance & Counseling) - Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
马来西亚理科大学社会科学荣誉学士(人类学与社会学) / Bachelor of Social Sciences (Hons) Anthropology and Sociology - Universiti Sains Malaysia.
萨提尔成长模式专业辅导证书课程 / Professional Certification of Counseling using Satir Model.
服务对象 / Services Provided:
个人面谈 / Individual counseling
伴侣&婚姻 / Couple & Marriage counseling
亲子关系 / Parental relationship counseling
青少年或成人团体辅导活动 / Youth or adult group counseling program (3人或以上)
语言 / Language Proficiency:
英文 / English
巫文 / Malay
中文 / Mandarin
客家话 / Hakka
预约时间 / Preferred Time Slot:
面对面 Face to face: 星期日 Sunday 3pm-5pm
线上面谈 Online:星期二&四 Tuesday & Thursday 8pm-9pm