谢秋芳 硕士
Licensed and Registered Counselor , KB, PA
拥有10年的辅导经验 / 10 years of experiences in counselling
曾担任国际学校辅导老师 / Served as counselor in international school
学术资格 / Academic Qualification:
台湾国立彰化师范大学辅导与咨商学系硕士 / Master of Education in Guidance and Counseling National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
国立台湾师范大学公民教育与活动领导学系(辅修教育心理与辅导学系) / Bachelor of Education in Civic Education and Leadership National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan (Minor: Educational Psychology and Counseling)
萨提尔成长模式心理辅导专业证书课程及专业认证 / Professional Certificate Course In individual and Family Therapy Using The Satir Growth Model
服务对象 / Services Provided:
个人面谈 / Individual counselling
语言 / Language Proficiency:
中文 / Mandarin
广东 / Cantonese
面谈方式 / Method
线上面谈(Skype) / Online Counseling using Skype
可预约时间 / Appointment Time
星期六Saturday 10am-3pm